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ООО Грин Стрит

OOO Grin Strit (paraphrased name)

Green Street LLC (translated name)

108841, Москва Город, Город Троицк, Улица Нагибина, Дом 2, Строение 1, Помещение 12, Комната 9

108841, Moskva Gorod, Gorod Troick, Ulica Nagibina, Dom 2, Stroenie 1, Pomeščenie 12, Komnata 9 (paraphrased address)

108841, Moscow City, City of Troitsk, Nagibina Street, Building 2, Building 1, Room 12, Room 9 (translated address)

VAT ID Status active inactive National Registration Only
Company Register Name Общество С Ограниченной Ответственностью "Грин Стрит"
KYC Check
KYC / PEP / AML request
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Sources: Company Register: FTS of Russia (egrul.nalog.ru)